We are proud to be one of the UK's only CPD Certified Piercing Training Providers; both our Academy and our training materials have gone through external assessment against a rigorous quality framework to ensure that we are meeting continued professional development teaching standards.
Our piercing courses will help you to obtain insurance from day 1, in addition to keeping your CPD points up to date.
We offer one of the most substantial kits on the market, which will give you all of the consumables and tools required to start your business*
We have different course and kit options to suit your needs / budget.
Our piercing training course without kit is £655 or your full kit plus training is £1155 . You can reserve your space with a low reservation fee of £150 with the balance payable 4 weeks before your course.
You are fully insured whilst you are on our course.
Maximum class sizes are 2 students for a personal experience.

This is an intensive, yet extensive course. We know that time is money so we have developed a programme to give you all of the knowledge and technical skills you will need whilst minimising your time away from your own business.
We teach all piercings above the waist on our main course; for full details of the course, click the link below

Our course comprises two key parts:
A comprehensive pre read manual to help you prepare for your course by giving you underpinning knowledge & understanding of the Legislation and Regulations associated with Piercing, alongside getting to know your equipment and terminology.
Health & Safety is an extremely important aspect of this course, as this Anatomy, Physiology and a knowledge of Blood Borne Pathogens. Information is included at this point.
On your two academy days, we will recap what you have learned so far and build on this, to include plenty of practical application, demostrations and exercises on prosthetics, before moving onto real clients! More detail is provided on the "Our Courses" tab.

We are a welcoming, inclusive training provider and welcome students from all backgrounds.
As part of a small group, you will be encouraged to work together and get fully involved in the acitivites on our courses to get the most benefit from them.
Our only requirements are that:
You must be over 18 to participate in our courses
Your studio must not operate within a 25 mile radium of our studio
You must be prepared to have physical contact with clients- this will be a key part of your career and we are trying to prepare you for life in your own studio.
We do not enforce wearing face masks, but whilst on our premises we recommend when working on clients that you wear one for hygiene purposes; we always wear them and like to uphold our reputation.
Academy Training is on Mondays & Tuesdays 9:30-5
Live Models are undertaken on Tuesday afternoons
Click here to see our Course dates

353 Preston Road, Whittle-le-Woods, Chorley, PR6 7PY